PT. Astra Daihatsu Motor atau biasa disingkat dengan ADM adalah agen tunggal pemegang merk mobil daihatsu di indonesia. sebagai ATPM, ADM merupakan satu-satunya perusahaan yang berhak mengimpor, merakit dan membuat kendaraan bermerk daihatsu di Indonesia. ADM merupakan perusahaan joint venture antara Daihatsu Motor Company dengan Astra International yang ada sejak tahun 1978.
Kendaraan bermerk Daihatsu yang di jual di Indonesia dan dipasarkan oleh Astra adalah Daihatsu Zebra, Ceria, Charade, Taft, Feroza, Taruna, Xenia, Terios, Sirion, Gran Max, Luxio, Ayla dan Sigra.
Profile Perusahaan.
Grup Daihatsu terus membangun dirinya menjadi "Merek Global yang Dicintai Seluruh Dunia"
perusahaan yang memiliki kepercayaan diri dan kebanggaan, melalui produksi mobil yang inovatif dan terkemuka di setiap era. Slogan baru "Innovation for Tomorrow" menjadi komitmen perusahaan untuk selalu mewujudkan inovasi dengan menghasilkan produk-produk berkualitas tinggi yang dapat memberikan manfaat bagi masyarakat luas dan ramah lingkungan.
PT Astra Daihatsu Motor merupakan Agen Pemegang Merek Daihatsu di Indonesia dan produsen kendaraan merek Daihatsu/Toyota, dan komponen serta bisnis terkait.
Menjadi No. 1 di pasar mobil compact di Indonesia dan sebagai basis produksi global utama untuk Grup Daihatsu/Toyota yang sama dengan standar kualitas pabrik Jepang.
1. Kami memproduksi mobil compact bernilai terbaik dan menyediakan layanan terkait yang penting
bagi peningkatan nilai stakeholder dan ramah lingkungan.
2. Kami mengembangkan dan memberikan inspirasi kepada karyawan untuk mencapai kinerja
tingkat dunia.
PT. Astra Daihatsu Motor sedang membuka lowongan sampai 7 Agustus 2017 untuk posisi sebagai berikut :
1. Internal Audit & Risk Management Supervisor
Job Requirements :
1. Bachelor (S1/D4)
2. Majoring at Accounting, Industrial Engineering
3. GPA/IPK min 3.00
4. Male/female max 27 year old
5. Fresh graduate or max 3 year experience
6. English literate (preferable)
7. Have strong interest in manufacturing process
8. Good interpersonal & communication skill
Job Description :
1. Melaksanakan audit project yang ditugaskan
2. Melakukan identifikasi & analisa efektivitas kontrol
3. Memberikan rekomendasi perbaikan
4. Melakukan follow up atas implementasi dari rekomendasi
5. Membuat laporan hasil audit
2. Internal Audit & Risk Management Junior Staff
Job Requirements :
1. Diploma (D3)
2. Majoring at Accounting, Industrial Engineering
3. GPA/IPK min 2.90
4. Male/female max 27 year old
5. Fresh graduate or max 3 year experience
6. English literate (preferable)
7. Have strong interest in manufacturing process
8. Good interpersonal & communication skill
Job Description :
1. Melaksanakan Audit Project yang Ditugaskan
2. Analisa Audit & Fixed Asset ADM
3. Melakukan Follow Up Atas Implementasi dari rekomendasi
3. Support System Problem Solving
4. Supporting Day to Day Operation
5. Basic Programming & Data Knowledge
3. Accounting & Control Supervisor
Job Requirements :
1. Bachelor (S1/D4)
2. Accounting, Management, Industrial Engineering)
3. GPA/IPK min 3.00
4. Male/female max 27 year old
5. Fresh graduate or max 3 year experience
6. English literate (preferable)
7. Have strong interest in manufacturing process
8. Good interpersonal & communication skill
Job Description :
1. Monitoring Transaksi Head Office
2. Membuat Journal Penyesuaian Tutup Buku
3. Analisa Laporan Keuangan Internal, DMC & AI
4. Melakukan Kontrol Aktivitas SOX
5. Estimasi Biaya Produksi (Cost per Unit)
6. Membuat jadwal aktivitas Cost Planning
4. Corporate Information Technology Supervisor
Job Requirements :
1. Bachelor (S1/D4)
2. Majoring at Informatic Engineeing, Information System
3. GPA/IPK min 3.00
4. Male/female max 27 year old
5. Fresh graduate or max 3 year experience
6. English literate (preferable)
7. Have strong interest in manufacturing process
8. Good interpersonal & communication skill
Job Description :
1. IT Project Management
2. IT Problem Solving
3. Basic Programming & Database
4. Business Process Analysis
5. Corporate Information Technology Junior Staff
Job Requirements :
1. Diploma (D3)
2. Informatics Engineering)
3. GPA/IPK min 2.90
4. Male/female max 27 year old
5. Fresh graduate or max 3 year experience
6. English literate (preferable)
7. Have strong interest in manufacturing process
8. Good interpersonal & communication skill
Job Description :
1. System Maintenance Supporting
2. System Development
3. IT Problem Solving
4. Supporting Day to Day Operation
5. Basic Programming & Database Knowledge
6. Human Resources Supervisor
Job Requirements :
1. Bachelor (S1/D4)
2. Majoring at Law, Psychology, Industrial Engineering
3. GPA/IPK min 3.00
4. Male/female max 27 year old
5. Fresh graduate or max 3 year experience
6. English literate (preferable)
7. Have strong interest in manufacturing process
8. Good interpersonal & communication skill
Job Description :
1. Sys Dur & Improvement
2. Health & Meals Management
3. Conduct Assessment (People Rview, Potrev, Ass, etc)
4. Sourcing, Fulfilment, & Selection Management
5. Facilitate employee event and communities
6. Retention Need Analysis
7. Cash & NonCash Benefit Development Program
7. Human Resources Junior Staff
Job Requirements :
1. Diploma (D3)
2. All Major
3. GPA/IPK min 2.90
4. Male/female max 27 year old
5. Fresh graduate or max 3 year experience
6. English literate (preferable)
7. Have strong interest in manufacturing process
8. Good interpersonal & communication skill
Job Description :
1. Medical Claim Control & Monitoring
2. Attendace Rate Management
3. Responsible in employee''s food & Beverage
4. Support & Implement all of HR Policy & Program
5. MOP COP Process
6. Termination process preparation
7. Sys Dur & Improvement
8. Health & Meals Management
9. Employee Relation
10. Supporting Day to day operation
8. Production Engineering Supervisor
Job Requirements :
1. Bachelor (S1/D4)
2. Majoring at Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Manufacture Engineering
3. GPA/IPK min 3.00
4. Male/female max 27 year old
5. Fresh graduate or max 3 year experience
6. English literate (preferable)
7. Have strong interest in manufacturing process
8. Good interpersonal & communication skill
Job Description :
1. Membuat Process plan/spec Assembly Eq & process
2. Melaksanakan order & assesment harga
3. Melakukan progress Assembly eq. making/modif
4. Melaksanakan check, PDI dan mencapai target
5. Melasakanakan instalasi, transfer to prod
6. Melakukan Improvement Assembly, Eq & process
9. Production Engineering Junior Staff
Job Requirements :
1. Diploma (D3)
2. Electrical engineering, Chemical Engineering, Manufacture Engineering)
3. GPA/IPK min 2.90
4. Male/female max 27 year old
5. Fresh graduate or max 3 year experience
6. English literate (preferable)
7. Have strong interest in manufacturing process
8. Good interpersonal & communication skill
Job Description :
1. Membuat process plant /spec & process (PM-MPP)
2. Melakukan order & assesment harga
3. Melakukan progress alat/Equipment
4. Melaksanakan check/Pre Delivery Inspection (PDI)
5. Mengontrol instalasi project & transfer ke Prod
6. Melakukan Improvement /aktifitas SS & QCC
10. Purchasing Supervisor
Job Requirements :
1. Bachelor (S1/D4)
2. All Engineering Major
3. GPA/IPK min 3.00
4. Male/female max 27 year old
5. Fresh graduate or max 3 year experience
6. English literate (preferable)
7. Have strong interest in manufacturing process
8. Good interpersonal & communication skill
Job Description :
1. Sourcing strategy & penentuan supplier
2. Analisa & setting project target price
3. Quotation verification & nego
4. CR activity
5. Control price maintenance
6. Price nego for localization & multisource
11. Purchasing Junior Staff
Job Requirements :
1. Diploma (D3)
2. Mechanical Engineering)
3. GPA/IPK min 2.90
4. Male/female max 27 year old
5. Fresh graduate or max 3 year experience
6. English literate (preferable)
7. Have strong interest in manufacturing process
8. Good interpersonal & communication skill
Job Description :
1. Collect Q and D from each plant
2. Summary supplier perfomance
3. Follow up bad supplier based on Q/D perfomance
4. Event Awarding and AFT control
5. ASC support activity
6. Reguler Price Adjustment
7. Price Negotiation
8. Maintain Price in OCIS System
12. R&D - Industrial Design Supervisor
Job Requirements :
1. Bachelor (S1/D4)
2. Design Product)
3. GPA/IPK min 3.00
4. Male/female max 27 year old
5. Fresh graduate or max 3 year experience
6. English literate (preferable)
7. Have strong interest in manufacturing process
8. Good interpersonal & communication skill
Job Description :
1. Make Design & Styling Proposal for MC & FMC
2. Design Plant of Motor Show Unit & Concept Car
3. Make Accessories Design
13. R&D - Industrial Design Junior Staff
Job Requirements :
1. Diploma (D3)
2. majoring at Design Komunikasi Visual, Mechanical Engineering
3. GPA/IPK min 2.90
4. Male/female max 27 year old
5. Fresh graduate or max 3 year experience
6. English literate (preferable)
7. Have strong interest in manufacturing process
8. Good interpersonal & communication skill
Job Description :
1. Making Surface Data
2. Study Engineering Requirenment
3. Study Clay Model
14. R&D - Design Engineering Supervisor
Job Requirements :
1. Bachelor (S1/D4)
2. Majoring at Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Electrical Engineering
3. GPA/IPK min 3.00
4. Male/female max 27 year old
5. Fresh graduate or max 3 year experience
6. English literate (preferable)
7. Have strong interest in manufacturing process
8. Good interpersonal & communication skill
Job Description :
1. Part Design and Analysis
2. Make planning drawing, 3D data, drawing
3. Conduct Design Review
4. LPVV Part Review Activity
5. RE Activity
15. R&D - Product Planning Supervisor
Job Requirements :
1. Bachelor (S1/D4)
2. Majoring at Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Engineering
3. GPA/IPK min 3.00
4. Male/female max 27 year old
5. Fresh graduate or max 3 year experience
6. English literate (preferable)
7. Have strong interest in manufacturing process
8. Good interpersonal & communication skill
Job Description :
1. Market Survey (Future Product, Market Acceptance)
2. Make M/C & FMC Proposal to DMC
3. Manage LPVV & Part Review Activity
16. R&D - Product Engeering Junior Staff
Job Requirements :
1. Diploma (D3)
2. Majoring at Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Electrical Engineering,
Manufacture Engineering
3. GPA/IPK min 2.90
4. Male/female max 27 year old
5. Fresh graduate or max 3 year experience
6. English literate (preferable)
7. Have strong interest in manufacturing process
8. Good interpersonal & communication skill
Job Description :
1. Membuat Design (Drawing)Part
2. Mengikuti RE Activity
3. Menyelesaikan masalah Design
4. Supporting Dat to day operation
5. Man Power Planning
7. Recruitment and Alocation
8. Vehicle Evaluation ( Durability, Perfomance )
9. Parts Evaluation ( Fitting, Strength, Durability )
17. Marketing - Customer Satisfaction & Value Chain Supervisor
Job Requirements :
1. Bachelor (S1/D4)
2. All Engineering Major, Management, Marketing
3. GPA/IPK min 3.00
4. Male/female max 27 year old
5. Fresh graduate or max 3 year experience
6. English literate (preferable)
7. Have strong interest in manufacturing process
8. Good interpersonal & communication skill
Job Description :
1. Melakukan brand survey, monitoring, & reporting
2. Membuat & merevisit proposal brand blue print
3. Me-manage aktifitas Daihatsu National Conference
18. Marketing - Product Planning Supervisor
Job Requirements :
1. Bachelor (S1/D4)
2. Majoring at Industrial Engineering, Accounting
3. GPA/IPK min 3.00
4. Male/female max 27 year old
5. Fresh graduate or max 3 year experience
6. English literate (preferable)
7. Have strong interest in manufacturing process
8. Good interpersonal & communication skill
Job Description :
1. Marketing Research
2. Product Improvement
3. Market Analisys
4. Mystery Shopper
5. Price Setting
29. Domestic Marketing Junior Staff
Job Requirements :
1. Diploma (D3)
2. Informatics Engineering, Communication)
3. GPA/IPK min 2.90
4. Male/female max 27 year old
5. Fresh graduate or max 3 year experience
6. English literate (preferable)
7. Have strong interest in manufacturing process
8. Good interpersonal & communication skill
Job Description :
1. Maintenance digital channel (web, youtube, socmed)
2. Monitoring social media conversation (admin)
3. Execute digital activation planning
4. Support digital development
5. Monitoring digital competition
20. Assembly Junior Staff
Job Requirements :
1. Diploma (D3)
2. Majoring at Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Electrical Engineering
3. GPA/IPK min 2.90
4. Male/female max 27 year old
5. Fresh graduate or max 3 year experience
6. English literate (preferable)
7. Have strong interest in manufacturing process
8. Good interpersonal & communication skill
Job Description :
1. Improvement Activity
21. Corporate Planning Junior Staff
Job Requirements :
1. Diploma (D3)
2. Majoring at Industrial Engineering
3. GPA/IPK min 2.90
4. Male/female max 27 year old
5. Fresh graduate or max 3 year experience
6. English literate (preferable)
7. Have strong interest in manufacturing process
8. Good interpersonal & communication skill
Job Description :
1. Perijinan dan laporan KBH2
2. Koordinasi int & eks utk License dan report KBH2
3. Pelaksanaan Verifikasi supplier dan subkon KBH2
22. General Affairs Junior Staff
Job Requirements :
1. Diploma (D3)
2. Majoring at Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering
3. GPA/IPK min 2.90
4. Male/female max 27 year old
5. Fresh graduate or max 3 year experience
6. English literate (preferable)
7. Have strong interest in manufacturing process
8. Good interpersonal & communication skill
Job Description :
1. Menangani Administrasi & Operasional sistem SPD
2. Menangani Pembelian Tiket dan Akomodasi SPD
3. Menangani Akomodasi Expatriate
4. Menangani Akomodasi visitor DMC
5. Menangani Penyewaan Mobil untuk Visitor DMC
6. Monitoring OPEX
7. Monitoring SO/PO/WO/IA
8. Repair Maintenance Building
9. Repair Maintenance Utility
23. Maintenance Supervisor
Job Requirements :
1. Bachelor (S1/D4)
2. Majoring at Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
3. GPA/IPK min 3.00
4. Male/female max 27 year old
5. Fresh graduate or max 3 year experience
6. English literate (preferable)
7. Have strong interest in manufacturing process
8. Good interpersonal & communication skill
Job Description :
1. Mencegah terjadinya kecelakaan kerja
2. Mencegah peralatan menimbulkan pencemaran
3. Menjamin peralatan siap untuk produksi
4. Melakukan aktifitas improvement
5. Meningkatkan kemampuan team/individu
24. Service Parts Supervisor
Job Requirements :
1. Bachelor (S1/D4)
2. Majoring at Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Engineering
3. GPA/IPK min 3.00
4. Male/female max 27 year old
5. Fresh graduate or max 3 year experience
6. English literate (preferable)
7. Have strong interest in manufacturing process
8. Good interpersonal & communication skill
Job Description :
1. Inventory Analysis & Control
2. Stock Control & STO Management
3. Part Kanban Management
4. Supplier Management & Kaizen Control
5. Ordering Management & Improvement
6. Initail Parts Project Management
7. Mencapai Target Leadtime VOR 6 Jam
8. Mencapai Target Produktivity 53 LI/MP/H
25. Technical Service Supervisor
Job Requirements :
1. Bachelor (S1/D4)
2. Majoring at Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering
3. GPA/IPK min 3.00
4. Male/female max 27 year old
5. Fresh graduate or max 3 year experience
6. English literate (preferable)
7. Have strong interest in manufacturing process
8. Good interpersonal & communication skill
Job Description :
1. Menangani Customer Compalint
2. Membuat Report Investigasi dan Genba
3. Menyampaikan info teknik ke atau dari bengkel
Jika berminat dan memenuhi persyaratan di atas silahkan daftarkan diri lewat online di bawah ini.
Alamat :
PT. Astra Daihatsu Motor ( ADM )
Jl. Gaya Motor III, No,5, Sunter II, Jakarta 14330, Telp (021) 6510 300
Email :
PENTING !!!Sumber :
Kami tidak pernah meminta imbalan atau biaya dalam bentuk apapun terhadap rekrutmen disitus ini apabila ada pihak yang mengatasnamakan kami atau perusahaan meminta biaya seperti transportasi atau akomodasi atau yang lainnya bisa dipastikan itu PALSU.
Kami tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerugian yg ditimbulkan dari kejadian tersebut.
Para Pencari Kerja Mohon Lebih Berhati Hati..
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